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About Us

We believe in connecting and bringing people together through the shared love of great food. It’s something that has driven us since we made our very first salami.

Mastering the art of the moment and passing that on to others

Passion has carried us all the way from a simple, small storefront all the way to the state of the art culinary company we are today. Award winning recipes focused on great flavours, quality ingredients, and elevating all occasions with handcrafted, European style meats. We are passionate about helping everyone master the art of moment-making with everything we create.

Over 177 years of delicious in the making

The Sausage Meister

In 1844, Johann Carl Freybe set the bar high, all from a small store in Germany that would ignite the Freybe story, making high quality and great tasting sausages the center of memorable moments ever since.

A New Chapter

In 1955 Johann’s great grandson Ulrich moved to Canada seeing the potential for his family’s signature sausages in Vancouver and across Canada. The rest, as they say, is history.

Six generations of passion can’t be wrong

If it ain’t broke, why fix it? The demand for traditionally crafted meats has carried the family legacy right on through to today. Johan would be so proud.

Humble brag, we’ve got 600+ international medals

That history includes over 600 international medals awarded for culinary excellence over the years. It’s all about the quality you can bank on, and taste that people love.

Get Freybe involved in your community

We actively support local events and organizations around British Columbia. Let us know how we can get involved with yours.

Charitable Giving
Rolling hills illustration

Join the Freybe Team

Want to be part of the team that’s been the center of the best occasions since 1844?